Last year I decided to give bullet journaling a try and I have to say I really enjoy it. I don't do all the trackers and things - it's really my style of bullet journaling - but that's what's so nice about this kind of journaling - you can do it however you like! I'm having fun making the inserts even though they're just the basic ones at the moment, but I'm slowly working out how to make some more colourful. Maybe by Christmas I'll have it all figured out!!! So as I'd said in my last post, I was waiting on my long reach stapler from Amazon. I love it. Here are the inserts I made using Target's One Spot file folders
Even though I said I don't really do Trackers, I did do a birthday one as I'm always late mailing my birthday cards. I saw one like this on Pinterest but couldn't find the original owner, so if you're out there and you read this please leave a comment and THANK YOU I love it!
And whilst we're talking inserts and journals, here are my first 3 weekly spreads
It's hard to believe but I'm actually all caught up and it's all because we're having our kitchen re-done so I'm "trapped" upstairs in my studio! This kitchen project has been going on since August and we're now beginning to finally see the light. It's a long story for another day, so until next time...
Your journal is lovely. I feel inspired to rekindle my journaling juices 😊👍🏻